General Rules
- Treat equipment and components with care!! Please contact Staff if you find something to be damaged.
- Please keep the eLab and its working surfaces in a clean and orderly shape! Throw away trash. Stuff on the floor will be cleaned up by cleaning personell.
- NO OPEN DRINKS on the desks. Please used bottles only and keep them closed on the floor. No food at the computer stations.
- Remember to return everything you borrowed and clean and organize the space you were working at. Wipe down AR/VR equipment with appropriate cleaners.
- If any equipment is lost or damaged, it MUST be reported to the Staff as soon as possible.
Equipment Rental
- Check the Rental page for items available to rent.
- Items may be rented on a week-to-week basis in order to allow all students an opportunity to rent. You may extend your rental another week only if no one else is on a waitlist for that item. Please send an email at least 2 days before your rental is up to request an extension.
- XR equipment is expensive! It is encouraged that you have Haftpflichtversicherung before you take something home. You are responsible for any damage or missing parts.
Before Leaving the XR Lab
- Is the computer station clean and tidy?
- All trash is thrown away
- The VR headset is on its stand
- The headphones are on their hook
- Borrowed equipment is returned
- Are the lights and computers turned off?
- Lock both doors!
In case of emergencies
- Notify first responders