<aside> 📄 This script repels the assigned GameObject away from the VR players hand transforms. Make sure the transforms are configured in the inspector and assign the script to the GameObject.
using UnityEngine;
public class RepelFromHands : MonoBehaviour
public Transform leftHandTransform;
public Transform rightHandTransform;
public float repelForce = 5.0f;
private void Start()
// Find hands using their tags or other means
if (leftHandTransform == null)
GameObject leftHand = GameObject.FindWithTag("LeftHand");
if (leftHand != null)
leftHandTransform = leftHand.transform;
if (rightHandTransform == null)
GameObject rightHand = GameObject.FindWithTag("RightHand");
if (rightHand != null)
rightHandTransform = rightHand.transform;
private void Update()
if (leftHandTransform != null && rightHandTransform != null)
// Calculate the average position of the hands
Vector3 averageHandPosition = (leftHandTransform.position + rightHandTransform.position) / 2f;
// Calculate the direction from the GameObject to the hands
Vector3 repelDirection = transform.position - averageHandPosition;
// Normalize the direction to get a unit vector
// Apply the repelling force in the opposite direction
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(repelDirection * repelForce, ForceMode.Force);