<aside> 📄 This script triggers a sound when your VR Rig moves and gives you a time variable to adjust how frequently the sound plays.


using UnityEngine;

public class FootstepSounds : MonoBehaviour
    public AudioClip[] footstepSounds;
    public AudioSource audioSource;
    public float footstepInterval = 1.0f; // Time interval between footstep sounds in seconds

    private float lastFootstepTime;

    private void Start()
        audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        lastFootstepTime = Time.time;

    private void Update()
        // Check if enough time has passed since the last footstep
        if (Time.time - lastFootstepTime >= footstepInterval)

    private void PlayFootstepSound()
        if (footstepSounds.Length > 0)
            AudioClip footstepClip = footstepSounds[Random.Range(0, footstepSounds.Length)];
            audioSource.clip = footstepClip;

            // Update the last footstep time
            lastFootstepTime = Time.time;